Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Proposal 1

1. Creating The Mission Vesion
2. In this project we will create a mission bage Orion/Ares.
3. The reason of creating this project is because Dale told us to.
4. All we know about the Orion Spaceship is that it was made in the 1950 and was designed by Lockheed Martin.It was delveloped as part of the Constellation Program.Orion Spacecraft may be used for NASA's human spaceflight missions. Orion would launch from Launch Complex 39 at Kennedy Space Center.
5. We will learn about innovation, team work, creativity, and diversity.
6.  a. What is Orion/Ares? -Orion is the Spacecraft created for the Constellation Program.
     b. What is the first mission?-Anticipated in 2015, Missions to ISS and beyond LEO
     c. What is its purpose?- Orion will handle logistic flights to International Space Station and may become a key component of human missions to the Moon and Mars.
     d.What are some obstacles that may occur? - With President Obama's cancellation directed towards Constellation Program, Orion may shut down, and will not be needed.
     e. How long can it stay in space? 210 days.
7. Brainstorm (come up with at least 3 designs) - Make a triangular shape with stars and a spacecraft in the middle.
- Do a straight line of stars in a row with a space craft shooting upwards.
- A spacecraft shooting upwars with 3 stars coming out of the fumes.
8.A few risks are that we may have difficulty actually designing our mission patch on photobucket.
9. Celina
10. Who does what?
Emma- Will Pick which desgin and colors that the mission patch will say and al of that.
Celina- Will design on photobucket with the help of Emma

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

If You Really Knew Me...

Wow! This show is really awesome. It makes me thank and appreciate everything that I have. I mean I had common problems that some of the teenagers in the show had. I've gone through rough times too. I've been kicked out of the house. I don't have my mom's support in things. I can relate to the emotions and feelings those students may go through everyday. It makes me sad and cry to know that many other teenagers are going through worst things, things that they shouldn't or dont deserve to go through.

That is why i'm making a change. I have recently found God. I plan to have a christian lifestyle. Many people might think it's crazy or i'm not going to change, but if you really knew me, you would know when i'm determined to do something I do it. I give 100% to achieve it. It's nice to know that I have a few friends who do believe in me. I'm very thanful I can call them my friends and have them in my life. So, thank you Celina, who is in this class, for being a great friend, and thank God i'm still living another day. :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

7 Ideas

Project 1: I could use the moviemaker to create an animation short film.
Project 2: With Photoshop we can make a collage with different pictures and filters.
Project 3: Using the software Adobe Flash we could create a 2 minute animation with different shapes and pics.
Project 4: We can make a documentary of a person we look up to.
Project 5: We can get pictures of other classmates and write what we think of them, then we exchange ideas.
Project 6: We can make a film about Dale and how he's making us do this. (You're cool though Dale) GIVE ME AN A!
Project 7: Have free blog semester!

Friday, September 3, 2010


StudentEdge is a new website to me. Never heard of it until Dale told my class about it. It seems very informative. I took this test that helps the website search for careers similar to my answers. It also, guve me a list to do. The list has suggestions of things i should do to help me apply for scholarships or test, like the SAT. I will sure be using this website to help me stay on track to get to college.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Privacy on the Internet

Many people put all their information on the internet without knowing that it's visible so everyone. Society, today, uses Facebook and MySpace everyday. Although the use of this websites is made for socializing purposes, many people invade the privacy of other users. Putting pictures of your self can be very risky. It gives hackers or perverts an opportunity to copy those pictures to porn websites. There are many ways to prevent people from invading you’re privacy. Implement a firewall -- A firewall is a barrier that keeps hackers and viruses out of computer networks. Firewalls intercept network traffic and allow only authorized data to pass through. Develop a corporate security policy. Install anti-virus software. Keep operating systems up to date -- Upgrade operating systems frequently and regularly install the latest patches or versions of software, which are often free over the Web. Don't run unnecessary network services. Conduct a vulnerability test. Conducting a vulnerability test is a cost-effective way to evaluate the current security program. This test highlights flaws and limitations in the program, and experts can offer suggestions for improvement. The best method for conducting a vulnerability test is to contact a computer consulting company and provide access to your system for a day or two. This will provide ample time for network appraisal and follow-up discussion and planning. Keep informed about network security.